We all know that life is full of opportunity: there is learning to be embraced, possibilities to explore, ideas to contemplate and experiences to appreciate. Biblically speaking, this thought is highlighted in multiple passages of Scripture, including these words from Jesus Himself in the Book of Matthew: ‘Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds, and to those who knock the door will be opened.’ Matthew 7:7–8
Travelling through the journey of life requires that we make decisions. To live a fruitful, meaningful and purpose-filled life, we must make choices – regularly – and often it is our choices which directly assist in the fulfilment of presented possibilities and opportunities.
We begin each day with small choices. The alarm sounds beside the bed, and we choose whether to wake or roll over and drift back to sleep! From that point forward we continue to make small choices – we decide what to wear, and eat, and how much time to allocate to certain activities. All of these are choices we continue to make each day, and they are of low-level importance.
Medium-sized choices relate to areas of life such as study options, job applications, career pathways and the purchase of property – these are choices which relate to where we live and what we do for a living. They are important.
Big choices are decisions we make in connection with the essential questions of life. In what do I believe? What are my values? Who am I and what do I believe to be my purpose in life? These big choices help us create the framework and personal perspective of life which in turn informs the many other important decisions we will make throughout our lives. For whom will I vote? And am I in love? Should we have children, and if yes, when, and how many?
Life is about choice, and if we agree that there is a world full of opportunity in front of us, then the question we each must ask ourselves is, ‘What choices am I making?’ Did I make good and positive choices with the opportunities I was given last year? What changes could I make to my choice-making process for this year and beyond?
I once heard it said it that ‘Life is not about what happens to you, rather, life is about how you choose to respond to what happens to you.’ The choices we make are very important.
It all starts with the big choices. There is a beautiful scripture which says, ‘But seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness and all these other things will be given to you as well.’ In other words, if we have the biggest issues sorted and the largest choices made, we can work to fit in the rest.
Choices in life can be informed and educated, based on the merit of the options before us. This helps us eliminate the guesswork and gambling, and promotes instead a pathway of consideration in which we take the time to discover for ourselves a deeper reality, full of genuine purpose and robust meaning. Being able to make choices based on solid information, and considered in connection with our beliefs, values and priorities, will, at the end of the day, assist us in finding a direction aligned with what we believe to be important, right and true.
We all make choices every day; let us aim to make great choices. Have a wonderful 2024.
Bless you.
Rev. Tim Edwards
Lead Chaplain