9 February 2023


Early Learning
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It is such a joy to see all the children settling into the ELC, from our babies to our confident four- and five-year-old children.

For everyone, the summer break has also meant a break from routine and following the group plan – which is totally the joy of holidays. So, settling into the Centre is about getting into routine, following and remembering the routine and beginning to develop relationships with others, some familiar and some unfamiliar faces. All the events of the day, starting at home and throughout the ELC day, have at the heart communication.


Look at this photo of two of our new youngest members of the ELC clearly communicating with each other without words. Millie kept on bringing Jack’s hat to him and trying to put it on his head, sometimes with success, but if it went on, Jack pulled it off and then Millie would come back again – it became somewhat of a game. Millie had understood that hats should be on and was communicating this to Jack – although funnily she wasn’t wearing her hat (a different story)! Jack was not protesting and was accepting of Millie’s attempts with his hat.

This communication exchange continued for many, many minutes, sometimes interrupted by Millie’s interest elsewhere. Both of these children were involved in communication, even though there were no spoken words.

Communication can take on many different forms. A welcome smile, a high five, a shout to a friend, a cry on separation, a look of uncertainty, a hug, a cuddle for reassurance, a joyful jump, a look of worry or frustration: all are different ways of communicating feelings, thoughts and needs. We know well that non-verbal communication is a significant part of any communication.

This year our positive learner attribute across the school is Communication, linked to the domain of relationships. Focussing on communication is about allowing children to understand and express themselves in a variety of ways. This is very much at the heart of the 100 languages poem from Loris Malaguzzi of Reggio Emilia. We must remember that there are indeed 100 ways (or more) to communicate.

We look forward to communicating with you across the centenary year in many different ways.

Wendy Seidler
Director of ELC Kew


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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this land and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We respect their Elders past and present and recognise the injustices endured by the First Nations peoples of this country.