The last month has seen Donvale students celebrate incredible academic success, particularly in the field of mathematics. Our students have demonstrated not only outstanding knowledge, but also resilience, courage and determination.
On Thursday 20 October, I had the pleasure of accompanying 10 students and their parents to the Mathematical Association of Victoria’s Maths Talent Quest Award Ceremony. From the 34 projects we entered, 10 received a High Distinction for their investigation. Most notably from this group, Shreya and Claire from Year 4 should be incredibly proud as their project, A Planted Challenge, was selected to represent Victorian schools in the National MTQ and won. It was the efforts from all the children that participated, across all year levels in our school, that afforded us yet another Outstanding School Award.
Congratulations must also be extended to Oliver of Year 5 who made the finals of the University of Melbourne Mathematics and Statistics Research Competition. This is a significant achievement given the advanced level of mathematics required, the number of high achieving students involved, and the sustained effort required to complete the task.
Students getting to this point in the competition places them among the best in Australia and New Zealand. This competition and the subsequent presentation ceremony brings together a community of like-minded individuals with a passion and interest in mathematics and statistics.
After weeks of work solving a complex research question, participants submitted their projects for assessment. Just six students from Australia and New Zealand made the final. Oliver and the other five finalists faced the daunting task of presenting their outcomes to a live audience and a judging panel comprised of academics from the university. This presentation also involved answering questions from the audience.
A talented mathematician, we commend Oliver on his work ethic and on his achievement in the 2022 University of Melbourne Mathematics and Statistics Research Competition.
Alysha Byrne
Acting Deputy Head of Junior School Donvale