Last Friday saw the Junior School, both onsite and online engage in a world of STEM-based activities. The four disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths were integrated into a variety of real-life applications and challenges that the students took too like ducks to water. Under the creative genius of Anna Davidson and Eleanor Burns, a variety of activities were designed to stimulate individual student interests, imagination, creativity and curiosity. Students selected activities from a STEM choice board ranging from making a rain gauge, designing and building a balloon-powered Lego car and telling a story using a stop-motion movie. The most popular activities proved to be creating a rain cloud in a jar and designing and building a Lego lolly machine. I wonder if the students had an ulterior motive with the Lego lolly machine, that being, if it does not work, we get to eat some of the materials – yum! With over 900 uploads onto individual House Padlets, it is well worth a look at the amazing creations and ingenuity that the students displayed across the day. The House Captains will be tallying the uploads this week and an announcement as to which House scored the most uploads contributing to the House Cultural Cup will be announced at Assembly this Friday.
Transitioning back onsite
This week has also seen the start of the Parent and Staff Pastoral Conferences through Microsoft Teams, and has provided an invaluable insight for staff as to how students are preparing for the transition back to onsite learning. These conferences will continue across the coming weeks at every year level.
This return is not far away for the ELC, Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students who will have a normal school timetable on Tuesday 26 May following the student-free (staff planning) day on Monday 25 May. It is hard to say who is more excited – the students or the staff who just can’t wait to see the faces of their students in person. We will be eagerly awaiting the students arriving by car in the turnaround carpark on Tuesday morning where they will be dropped in House areas (designated by the House flags) and met by a variety of staff. We ask again that parents remain in their cars at this time. For those choosing to walk, and we encourage this where possible, the entrance on Wrixon Street beside Metcalfe Hall, and the Fairview Entrance beside the Art room, will be staffed for student handovers.
Our Year 3 to Year 6 students will also be welcomed back onsite in just over a week, when they come in for a reconnection day commencing with the Year 5 students on Monday 1 June. This day will provide a wonderful opportunity for the students to reconnect with their peers, teachers and their school surroundings through a selection of individual class and whole year level activities.
Lower School Co-ordinator
It is with great pleasure that we can announce that Amy Lovell’s replacement in the role of Lower School Co-ordinator will be filled in an acting capacity by our very own and extremely experienced Angela Johnson, who last year stepped down from the role of Learning Development Co-ordinator. Angela will continue in the role until we are in the position employ an ongoing candidate.
I wish all students and families a wonderful and restful weekend. I look forward to seeing the lower level of the Hickman Building and Prep Centre buzzing with excitement on Tuesday.
Alby Ingles
Deputy Head – Student Welfare