‘A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.’ – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Throughout Term 1, our Junior School ensemble rehearsals were vibrant and energetic places to be. Each group was gelling together, getting to know one other and preparing for upcoming performances. Now in Term 2, things are looking a little different for our musicians, singers and ensembles.
Online Instrumental Lessons
Our instrumentalists and singers are now learning remotely at home. Having interviewed a number of Year 5 students recently, they are really pleased with their ongoing learning and some have even said ‘it’s easy’! Congratulations to all of our instrumental teachers who have worked so hard to make this work so well for our students.
The Four Bs
Although we may not be physically working together, there are elements of the Four Bs that were introduced earlier this year that still apply. What does it mean to be a part (whilst being ‘apart’!) of a thriving ensemble? We can still continue to learn our music independently (B Ready), still remain focussed to give our best effort for both ourselves and our group. Beyond that – the final B is more important now than ever – being helpful. Whilst we work independently on our music and seek teacher support, what new ideas and fun ways can we imagine and develop to help us stay connected and have fun as a member of a group? I am looking forward to hearing some very buzzy suggestions!
Canvas Ensembles
With the uptake of the Canvas platform across the School, new ensemble pages are currently being developed. Each week, ensemble directors will add more detail and information, including practise parts, recordings of works we are learning as well as games, fun activities and challenges that will be student driven and help develop community.
Anzac Day
At this very important time of the year, we will not be gathering – and yet music will be central once again. The Last Post and Reveille will be played – solo trumpet or bugle works that encapsulate so much history, emotion and meaning. In 2020, I will be playing these iconic pieces to my neighbours, where they will be standing in their respective driveways holding a driveway candle lit vigil. Please feel free to join in the #STANDTO movement and light up the dawn. Read more about the movement here.
Timothy Barker
Head of Junior School Music