20 May 2020

Connecting, expressing and creating through the arts

Co-curricularWhole School
Connecting, expressing and creating through the arts
Connecting, expressing and creating through the arts
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In my last article, I wrote about the gaping hole created by an absence of the arts in the lives of many, the critical role played by the arts in our human condition and the commitment of staff and students to respond to our circumstances in the most positive way possible. And respond they have.

There have been too many wonderful instances of the arts’ capacity to enhance human expression during this period of school closure to mention them all here, but I’d like to highlight a few. To begin with, Jamie Holmes composed a piece for clarinet choir (in 11 parts) on the weekend before our Anzac Day assembly. Not only this, he multi-track recorded the composition himself, without actually notating the parts. If you missed that assembly, Jamie’s wonderful piece can be heard here. We’ve also had numerous recordings made by Carey ensembles in isolation, where each player records their part individually and the parts are then brought together to create a ‘performance’ of the work. The Big Band was first and they’ll be followed by Wind Symphony, Vivaldi Strings, Crescendo String Quartet and a significant project for our Senior Choir. It’s hard to overstate the challenges of such a venture, or the time committed by our wonderful music staff to bring this all together. We’ve had adventures with Flipgrid, the development of extraordinary online drama curriculum, superb pre-recorded assembly performances and dramatic play readings. Perhaps the most moving event was the large number of Carey musicians standing at the end of their driveways on Anzac Day at 6.00am performing ‘the Last Post’, such as Jamieson Cohen, pictured above (photo Fiona Hamilton).

There is, however, still something missing. A performing arts rehearsal involves artists with a degree of skill and knowledge of their own piece of the puzzle coming together to listen to and respond to each other. Similarly, the relationship between performer and audience delivers energy in both directions and creates community and understanding through shared experience. In this way, the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts, and it’s this very human dynamic that we crave at this time. To quote one of our music captains ‘I just can’t wait to get back into a room and play music with people!’. Over the coming weeks our programs will re-commence with renewed vigour and joy, and I can’t wait.

Upcoming Events

IB/VCE Music Recitals (Live streamed)
Tuesday 2 June, 5.00pm

Term 2 Recital Night (Live broadcast of seven concerts)
Wednesday 10 June, times TBC

Festival of the Arts
Launched online on Monday 22 June

Nick Mulder
Head of Performing Arts


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Celebrating 332 remarkable young people
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