As your child moves to more complicated mathematical concepts and computations, the quick recall of their times table facts becomes all the more essential. By being able to automatically recall number facts, less working memory is used on factual recall and more can be used for solving the problem at hand. Examples of learning in Upper Primary where times table automaticity is blended with conceptual understanding include manipulating fractions, factors/multiples, complicated written calculations using larger numbers and so much more. Without times table knowledge, learning these concepts is significantly more challenging for your child.
The National Curriculum places the achievement of all times tables by the end of Year 4. However, children learn at different rates and many will benefit from focussing on their times tables before Year 4. We are seeking your support from home to help your child master their times tables. As a guide:
How can you help?
Our students in Years 3 and 5 have been participating in the annual NAPLAN tests in reading, writing, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. These assessments provide parents and schools with an understanding of how individual students are performing at the time of the tests.
We are extremely proud of the way in which the children approached each test. They were suitably nervous and excited knowing that they needed to try their best and that these tests, by no means, show everything they know and can do. Many children enjoyed the experience and gained self-satisfaction that they had participated in this rite of passage. We look forward to receiving the results next term and unpacking what they mean for our programs and each child’s learning journey.
Lee Taylor
Deputy Head – Student Learning