The latest recurrence of COVID-19, bringing back lockdown in Melbourne, has again shaken our confidence and is a reminder of our vulnerability in what is regularly voted one of the most liveable cities in the world. With such vulnerability, it is important to recognise our values as a school and, when everything is falling down or stopping around us, we continue to hold these values that underpin our daily lives as members of the Carey community. It is really helpful to remember what we stand for as a community and how we should be striving to continue to build together a community which supports and appreciates each person for who they are.
Integrity … care, honesty, morality, respect
Over the course of the year, whether the students have participated in the Pride March, on the sporting field or in the musical production, we encourage everyone to value the uniqueness of ourselves and others, nurturing individual differences and allowing for a vibrant environment of enthusiasm and enjoyment.
Service … altruism, generosity, passion, sustainability
Our community constantly looks at increasing the awareness of people in need and encourage everyone to become more involved. Last week, we started a Foodbank initiative: all students are encouraged to bring non-perishable items to House sessions in support of the many Victorians who are experiencing food insecurity.
Spirituality … communal, contemporary, holistic, inclusive
We promote and nurture truth, goodness, service, tolerance, courage and persistence. We respect all other cultures faiths and perspectives. An example is our students introducing Reconciliation Week with two powerful assemblies incorporating a number of issues and raising further awareness.
Teamwork … collaboration, communication, initiative, leadership
Our students respect each other and are all responsible and contributing members of the Carey community who have respectful and good relationships with all.
Thinking … creativity, inquisitiveness, intellect, reflection
We endeavour to celebrate and encourage the aspirations and talents of all to help them reach their personal best. The School and our educators offer many paths to excellence with a variety of opportunities for participation and success.
Wellbeing … courage, happiness, health, resilience
Carey’s wellbeing program is robust and integrated into all aspects of the curriculum, promoting growth in self-confidence, personal wellbeing with the ability to make decisions, taking responsibility for our actions but being able to evaluate analyse and take action to improve continually.
At the end of the day, the real measure of our community is the way in which our values are lived and shown by our actions.
Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions, become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Christian Gregory
Deputy Head of Senior School – Student Welfare